Chat with your Database

Sequel allows you to directly talk to your database in Natural Language (English). Define your query as clearly as possible to let Sequel understand what you are looking for, and Sequel will return the results back to you. Sequel will refrain from responding to any information which is not relevant to your database, non exsiting data in the chat, or destructive instructions.

ai chat with sequel

Asking queries

You can simply ask Sequel about anything related to the data stored in your database. If you have multiple similar schemas or tables, you can specifically mention Sequel to look into specific tables / schemas to fetch the information. Sequel will convert your query into SQL and run it against your database.

By default Sequel will auto-run the SQL queries, so refrain from asking very destructive operations to be done (like dropping tables or modifying the database).

Sequel will try it's best to come up with SQL based on the schema of your database, and show you the result and the SQL query in the table. You can always click on the show in tab button on top-right corner of the result viewer to open the SQL query in the editor to make any changes or edit the query.

Here are some example queries you can try out with Sequel (assuming the data exists in your database)

  1. Total signups in the last 24 hours
  2. Total Orders in last month
  3. My top 5 users

Limits in chat query responses

By default, Sequel will try to limit the responses queries via the chat to 100 rows, you can open the query in a new tab to edit and extend the limit any time.

Visualising your data

One of the powerful features of Sequel is it's ability to display charts and visualisations based on your data. You can simply ask Sequel to visualise the data in any of the supported formats to get a chart rendered for you. below are the supported charts with Sequel right now, we will be adding support for more soon.

  1. Bar chart
  2. Pie chart
  3. Line chart

Here are some example queries you can use to display a chart

  1. Show me a pie chart of most sold items in my inventory
  2. Show me a graph of user growth in last 30 days
  3. Show me a bar chart of my most selling products based on their orders