Logical Operators

Logical operators in SQL are used to combine multiple conditions in WHERE clauses, HAVING clauses, or in join conditions. They allow you to create complex filters and conditions in your queries.

List of Logical Operators

Operator Description
AND Returns true if all the conditions separated by AND are TRUE
OR Returns true if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE
NOT Reverses the result, returns false if the condition is true


AND Operator

SELECT * FROM products 
WHERE category = 'Electronics' AND price < 500;

This query selects all electronic products priced under 500.

OR Operator

SELECT * FROM employees 
WHERE department = 'Sales' OR department = 'Marketing';

This query selects all employees in either the Sales or Marketing departments.

NOT Operator

SELECT * FROM orders 
WHERE NOT status = 'Shipped';

This query selects all orders that have not been shipped.

Combining AND and OR

SELECT * FROM customers 
WHERE (country = 'USA' OR country = 'Canada') 
  AND (credit_limit > 1000);

This query selects customers from the USA or Canada with a credit limit over 1000.

Using Parentheses for Complex Conditions

SELECT * FROM products 
WHERE (category = 'Electronics' AND price < 500) 
   OR (category = 'Books' AND price < 20);

This query selects electronics under 500 or books under 20.

Remember to use parentheses to group conditions when combining AND and OR operators to ensure your query is interpreted correctly.